Clarifying Intent
A number of my colleagues read my OpEd in the Denver Post yesterday and asked about the title (“Western Slope needs to suspend irrigation to avert water shortage catastrophe”). My colleagues suggested that the title makes it sound like I’m calling for a permanent cessation of farming!
That of course is not the case! I’m strongly pro-farmer, and I believe that the farming community will be essential in resolving the water crisis in the Colorado River.
Unfortunately, the title given to my OpEd was chosen by the Denver Post’s editor. The title I submitted was “Water Crisis Demands Attention.”
I hope everyone reads all the way through the OpEd to understand my intentions. I felt a need to signal alarm about the dangerous situation arising in the Colorado River basin, and to spur appropriate response. That response will necessarily include voluntary, compensated, temporary fallowing by SOME farmers that want to help. And I thank them in advance.